Success Factor, First, Fast, Focus | Business

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Success Factor, First, Fast, Focus

Success Factor! First, Fast Focused Using the three F s for your business success factor will take you to the top.

First: The dictionary states The one ranking, or coming before or above all others! If you truly want to have success now days you need to be first. The world is full of business opportunities. The people ranking on the top are the ones succeeding. In order to be first you have to have drive, desire and commitment. You need to come before all others. Think of how it felt to be first at winning a game. The first bicycle you road. The first car you drove. Take all those feelings and become FIRST in your business.

Fast: The dictionary states Quick, firm, loyal! You need to be fast to have success. I do not mean run a marathon fast, or have a fast car. You have to get things done fast. You can not just sit around doing nothing. The business opportunities will just pass you by. You’ll be left in the dust. You need to stay in the fast lane. Learn all the latest technologies. If something seems to be a good opportunity to you and your gut tells you it is, go for it! Do not listen to all the dream stealers around you, most of them are all broke anyway. Be quick firm and loyal and your dreams will become a reality FAST! 

Focused: The dictionary states To cause to be concentrated! We all have busy lives and the world is full of distractions. There are so many things you need to do in your business and it can get very overwhelming. You need to use the success factor and stay focused. Some of they ways to do that are: 1. Remove Distractions, Close doors, use head phones, turn your phone off. 2. Define Goals, Prioritize the things you need to get done. The most important to the least important. Write down your goals and read them every day. 3. Track your progress, Keep a log of what you have accomplished. 4. Reward yourself, Even if it is something small, reward yourself for finishing it. Once you have mastered the success factor, FIRST, FAST, FOCUSED. You WILL have the success in your business that you desire.

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