Sunday, November 15, 2009
What is a No Doc Loan ?
However, even if you don't have all your "ducks in a row," don't despair. There is another option. Perhaps it's in a No Doc Loan. What you need to do is go ahead and meet with a SC Lender. Never assume you can't get a Mortgage for a home in South Carolina...because of your credit or anything else. That’s our specialty! Carolina Mortgage, LLC helps people find the best offers available for difficult lending situations.
We can set you up to talk to "The Bank" see whether they're willing to give you a
loan. Even if they won't give you a loan they can probably help you by letting you know where your "Ducks" are and where they need to be. We can advise you so that you can work towards qualifying in the future.
Try for a Low-Doc or No-Doc Loan
South Carolina Banks have been offering loans to people who cannot, or do not want to, provide details about their income or their employment. The most popular is called a Stated Income Loan because you just "state" how much income you have without
offering any real proof.
What does No Income Verification mean?
It's also called an "NIV" for "No Income Verification" because your income isn't
verified. With a No Doc Loan, you don't have to say how much you make. It's also
called a "No Income & No Asset Verification" and there are many legitimate reasons for wanting a loan of this type.
Okay. What's the Catch to a No Doc Loan?
Simple. Because "The Bank" is taking a bigger risk on you with a No-Doc Loan, your
interest rate is going to be slightly higher than on a Traditional Loan. The exact amount will depend on:
1. Your credit score
2. Your SC Mortgage Lender's preference
3. And which type of No Doc Loan you get.
So, if you have reasonably good credit and are willing to pay a little more on the Loan Interest, you could get a No Doc Loan without the tremendous hassles of verifications and tons of paperwork. offers free Mortgage Diagnostic Clinics if you live in the Charleston, South Carolina area. We are here to advise you through the Lending and
Buying process. You are welcome to give us call if you are ready to see how the different SC Loans stack up. No questions asked.
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